Don’t be in a hurry to get out of what you are going through!

There is a saying that goes something like the following:

“All sunshine makes a desert”

In other words a world without rainy or snowy days makes for a world that is dry leaving us hot and parched!

I enjoy my sunny days. When things are all good I am all smiles. I also enjoy my rainy days. However, I don’t enjoy them with a smile: I curse, kick, scream and complain all the while not looking for that sunny day until I learn all I can during my trial and tribulation.

Remember when you were a child? Life SUCKED!! You had to do chores, get up early and go to school, do what your parents said, eat what they wanted, you couldn’t go to the mall, not could you get those new Jordans all your friends had. As that child with the suckey life all you wanted to do was grow up so you could stay up late, eat what you wanted, go where you wanted etc. You were in a hurry to get out of childhood and into adult hood. As an adult you may now realize that was one of your first mistakes.

You rushed into adult hood leaving your youth and the opportunity to learn and enjoy life on someone else’s tab.

I rushed out of my youth right into prison.  I was arrested, sitting in the county, going back and forth to court, and ultimately landed in a maximum security prison; during that time all I wanted to do was get through it and go home. Fortunately it was 14 years before I was free and out of what I was going through. If my wish to hurry through was granted I would have been back on the streets no wiser and no doubt would have found myself dead or with a 200 year prison sentence.

Doing my time patiently allowed me to have a paradigm shift that has improved and continues to improve the quality of my life. Instead of hurrying through my hard time I learned from it. Me going to prison with a 40 years prison sentence was an opportunity. It was an opportunity to learn, grow and develop and be slightly better than I was previously.

I encourage my readers to embrace whatever it is you are facing and learn as much from the circumstance as you can, capitalize on what you learned during your hard times and become better for it!

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