You Always Have A Choice

By: Tre Tucker

We all have a choice. It could be as simple as picking tacos or burgers for dinner. Or the choice could be a lot more serious. I remember pulling up to my mother’s house 1 day, she looked at me and said “Boy don’t you get back in that car anymore.”

The next day rolls around and here comes that same car being driven by a guy that, at the time, I thought was a friend, he says to me: “get in let’s ride” At that moment I hear my mother’s voice in back of my head screaming: “BOY! DON’T GET IN THAT CAR!” As you can imagine I made the decision to hop in the car anyway and ended up nearly losing my life, going to jail, and encountering all sorts of calamity.

What I didn’t know was the car was stolen and the tools used to break in the car were right behind my seat. I had no idea that I was now involved in real life grand theft auto. If I had made the right choice and listened to my Moms I would not have been in harms way.

I always attempt to tell people they have a choice, a choice to go left or to go right. Left meaning the right way, and right meaning the wrong way. You can’t straddle the fence, you either do right or not. I found out a long time ago that if you even give the Devil (negativity) a chance, things end messed up. I am a firm believer that having people in our lives that don’t belong causes us to do the right things for the wrong people.

Use your wisdom and common sense when it comes to the people you invite into your life. Growing up with a person and knowing them forever does not mean a thing… to some people. You have a choice to pick and choose who you want to be around you and who you build  solid relationships with. I was taught to listen more and speak less. With me taking that approach I heard and saw many things. By simply watching I knew when something was about to go down, and that was my cue to make the choice to leave.

Always remember that you are viewed by how you carry yourself and the company you keep. If your not a thug then make the choice to not act like one.

You Always Have A Choice.

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