A Step Parent’s Vent

By Tre Tucker

Not everyone can relate to this. But those of us who can, know how hard it is to be a step parent. We are supposed to love the kid unconditionally and provide. However, when it comes to parenting (disciplining) them that is the true test. Despite whether the other parent is in the child’s life or not, you know there are limitations on what you can do. I can say from my very own personal experience that being a step-parent can be very difficult task or simple one. Whether the task is going to be complex or easy depends on the understanding you have with both your partner and the child.

I grew up in the era where your parent told you to do something and you did it no questions asked. Versus  today’s youth telling their providers what they are going to do and don’t feel like doing. It feels like it is a too much to handle at times. I honestly wonder what I have gotten myself into; especially since I don’t  have any kids of your own.

I’ve been in a few situations where the child has done wrong when I h confronted the child about the  situation me and my partner have an issue about it as if I made the wrong decision when it was the child that made the bad choice.

I know this is a little different from what you guys are used to reading about in these blogs, but i’m honestly frustrated. So instead of me writing something helpful that people may seek for guidance in. I am asking for a little guidance, help, ideas. I know there are other people who have been in this type of relationship, or in one as we speak. I know there are no rules to parenting, but how did you handle your situation. I talk to my partner all the time about this subject, but I don’t feel like she totally understands. She has never been a step-parent. Am I the only one who has felt like I’ve bitten off a little more than I can chew? Respond and let me hear what you have to say. I honestly am giving all of myself to my step kids. But I feel like the child has to do their part also. I’m finding that it takes a great deal of patience to be a parent. But it takes even more patience to be a father to someone  else’s children. This is my step parent vent!

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